Elephant Ear Overwintering

Elephant Ear Overwintering

        Elephant ears (Colocasia esculenta) produce beautiful large leaves that provide a tropical look to your landscape,pond or patio. They grow from starchy tubers that don’t tolerate wet winter weather jor freezing temperatures. Elephant...
Summer Landscaping/Gardening to do list

Summer Landscaping/Gardening to do list

Mulch Spreading a 2-inch-deep layer of mulch over your soil is one of the best things you can do for your garden. The mulch blankets the ground, shielding the soil from the sun. This keeps it cooler, so your plant roots are happier, and prevents moisture loss from...
Cedar-Apple Rust

Cedar-Apple Rust

Cedar-Apple Rust (CAR) Apple, Hawthorn and Quince Rust are closely related rust diseases that require two hosts to complete their life cycle. All three rusts can infect most varieties of Eastern Red Cedar as well as many other junipers. Cedar-apple rust infects mostly...

Bermuda grass control in fescue

For some people, Bermudagrass makes a nice lawn. It requires little care or maintenance so is perfect for them. Others don’t like the invasive nature and the fact that it is only green during the warmest months, greening up late in the spring and going dormant...
Rubber mulch…NOPE!

Rubber mulch…NOPE!

Yes, it has great benefits in that it has been found to provide playgrounds a safer playing environment when children fall on it but… We’re not gonna sugarcoat it for you. WE HATE rubber mulch. It’s stupid and it stinks — literally. On a hot...